It is required by the Equality Act 2010 (which supersedes the Disability Discrimination Act 1995).
The Disability Discrimination Act came into force in 1996 and made it illegal to discriminate against a disabled person for reasons related to his or her disability. This covered the fields of employment, service provision, transport and education. The DDA required employers, service providers and education providers to make reasonable adjustments to avoid discrimination.
The Equality Act 2010 brought together all anti-discrimination legislation into one Act and covers disability, race, gender, religious, sex and age discrimination and supersedes the DDA, but the requirements remain much the same.
The Equality Act has different requirements depending on whether you are an employer, service provider or an educational establishment.
Under reasonable adjustment there is a provision, a legal requirement that a disabled person can request a personal emergency evacuation plan for each building and facility they require access to.
The Building Regulations Part M
Under approved document M reasonable provision shall be made for people to gain access to and use the building and its facilities. The regulations set minimum legal standards for access and use of the building by disabled people.
Fire Safety.
British standard BS9999: 2017 ‘Fire safety in the design, management and use of buildings. Code of practice’
The fire risk assessment can be used to assist in completing the record of significant findings and should include a detailed account of measures which are in place to facilitate and assist disabled people to leave the building.